
Plugins List

MyLearningFactory from ActiveProLearn plugin code base is probably one of the largest moodle plugin base in the world, holding now (Q1 2019) around 170 plugins developped during 14 years by Valery Fremaux, his students and collaborators. All of this plugins may not be “up to date” as maintaining a so big number of entries is a real challenge and needs a daily constant work. Moodle has raised his quality and conformity requirements, so maintaining an up to date architecture of a large number of plugins becomes really higher goal indeed.

However, we now have better processes and tools that help us in performing this work.

Note that for those reasons, and mostly because we are waiting for a moodle official plugin base push API for contribution zips, we declined to maintain the repositories and the documentation at We however try to stay the closest possible of moodle code and implementation requirement.

Github space is divided into community repositories (public access) and “PRO” private repositories (_P extension). “Pro” versions are “full support” versions and have usually “accuracy, completion, automation and productivity” additions. the support fees we claim for these versions support our “full time” dedication to moodle contributive innovation and development activity.

Here you can consult documentation plugins order by “component type”.

See documentation order by subsets index.


Activity modules
Activties are small applications that participate to the teaching activity and are assessed and graded to fill the pedagogic agreement of the course. Thay are technically known as moodle “modules”.

We have classified those module in categories:

General use modules
  • Magtest (Multitrack quiz)
  • Flashcard (Leitner enabled memorisation activity)
  • Customlabels (also named Course preformated elements)
  • Shared resource (Resources stored in a central searchable library and shareable between courses)
  • Media player 2.0 (the moodle 2 MediaPLayer version)
  • Versioned Resource - Versioned resource distribution with notification subscription. :!: Guide technique à finaliser
  • Wow Slider (Create graphic slider presentations in a course).
Course process organisation
  • Tracker (Task tracker)
  • LearningTimeCheck (LTC) (A checklist implementation reworked for assessing a time credit based pedagogic agreement)
  • Job Tracker (Job or internship opportunity research tracker)
  • PD Certificate (Professional Development Certificate, as an enhanced, highly configurable and automated certificate)
Modules d'activité dérivés(versions spéciales)

Ces modules sont officiellement publiés par la communauté Moodle, mais nous en maintenons une version modifiée et augmentée pour servir des besoins d'industrialisation de la formation.

Specialised modules


Blocks are side widgets that can be used to help navigation, or complete some activites, or display some significant and usefull state or data portlet. FAQ about blocs - Réglages communs à tous les blocs
Structural Blocs (Content urbanisation, navigation)

Structural blocks will modify the overal understanding of how moodle content is used, proposed and managed.

  • Course Ascendants - Metacourse related facilitator block
  • Course Descendants - Metacourse related facilitator block
  • Livedesk - Centralisation du support pédagogique via des forums. :!: doc a faire
  • Contactform - Formulaire général de contact.
  • User Delegation - Délégation de création et gestion d'utilisateurs.
  • ExtSignup - Inscription modérée d'étudiants extérieurs. :!: a faire
  • Vmoodle - Moodle virtual multi-tenant instances < 2.8)
  • User Mnet Hosts - Controled navigation to other moodle nodes
  • Publishflow - Course publishing facilitator in a MNET network)
  • Livedesk - Pedagogic live support desc using moodle forums spread out in the whole site
  • Group Network - Helper to manage network habilitated students and groups, from a teacher point of view
  • User delegation - Helper to create and manage users and local enrols from a non administrator point of view
  • Inscriptions externes - External student signup gate with a publally accessible course catalog
  • Where is - A block to find a connected user location in a MNET enabled Moodle network.
Course Process Accessories
  • Use_Stats - Course time spent calculation.
  • Course_Notifications - Automated course notifications.
  • Dashboard - Dashboard element - configurable query and versatile display and data export.
  • Teams - Let students making their own teams/groups
  • User memo - Student own note track.
  • AssignDownload Récupération différentielle des devoirs dans un zip.
Content display accessories

those blocks help teacher to display at a suitable location some content or piece of information.

Moodle activity module accessories

Those blocks will complete and support some moodle activities to provide a richer scenario.

  • AuditQuiz Result - Knowledge assessment using moodle quizzes.
  • Quiz behaviour - Alters some behavioural aspects of the moodle standard quiz.
  • Quiz Progress - Plots the progression of quiz grades when allowing multiple attempts.
  • AuditQuiz Results - Quiz based knowledge assessment and categorized cartography.
  • Quiz Dynamic Key - Allows changing dynamically the quiz access key in an open training environment.
  • Learning Time Check Block - Helper to the LearningTimeCheck module, summarizes participant progress and lazyness in a course.
  • CMS Navigation block - Helper to the local CMS plugin, a small CMS integrated in Moodle for local documentation purpose.
  • Page module - Part of the course “page format”. No direct use.
  • Page tracker - A navigation dedicated block for the course “page format”.
  • Shared Resources - Helper tools for converting to and from shared resources.
  • Activity Publisher - A block to facilitate export of an activity snapshot (moodle activity backup) directly into the Shared Resource library.
  • Shop Access - An accessory block to provide users an access to a Moodle Shop.
  • Shop Products - An accessory block of the Moodle Shop to provide customers a report to their owned products, and access the product management cycle.
  • Shop Bills - An accessory block of the Moodle Shop to provide customers with a report upon their invoices.
  • Shop Total - Moodle shop totalizer.
  • Shop Course Seats - An accessory block of the Moodle Shop to assign unassigned available seats within a course.
  • Userquiz Limit - An helper to setup quiz attempts limits per user.
  • User Quiz Monitor - A main component for buiding a self-training quiz based environement for acquiring complex knowledge.


A filter may be enabled at the site level and then removed as needed at the course or activity level. Thus a teacher can disable glossary auto-linking in a quiz for example. Filters postprocess the moodle content before presenting to screen.
  • Multilang enhanced (a multilang filter that accepts more complex content structures as nested divs and spans).
  • Wikipedia Calls (link content words to the corresponding Wikipedia page).
  • CMS Injection (based on placeholders, can inject CMS local plugin content into any content in Moodle)

Course formats

Course formats organise the structure of how the course is presented Les formats de cours sont responsable de la disposition du rendu à l'intérieur du cours, de son organisation apparente et de l'organisation de son édition.
  • Page (probably one of the most powerful and flexible course format for Moodle, hierarchic page organisation, completely free layout on each page)

Moodle authentication methods

Authentication is the process of allowing a user to login to a Moodle site based on their username and password. Authentication plugins allow users to connect and help interoperability with other applications]]
  • GRR - SSO with GRR. GRR is a french small but efficient pysical assets manager - rooms, hardware, etc.
  • Ticket - Token based authentication for asynchronous return to moodle internal pages.
  • MultiMnet - An extended mnet authentication that allows building “full networks” with unlimited roaming between moodle sites, multiple entry points, centralised user registry.
  • Digicode Dgicode authentication (similar as web online banking services)

Enrol methods

Depending upon which enrolment methods are enabled for the site : Enrol methods determine how learners are enroled into courses.

Availability conditions

Availability conditions determine when users can access to some moodle objects such as activities or course sections depending rules settings that you can combine.
  • Days - Allow access depending on the relative day shift from the course start date or the user's enrolment date.
  • Week - Allow access depending on the relative week from the course start date.
  • Course time - Give access after some time has been spent in the course - uses block_use_stats time compiler.

Question types

Moodle provides a range of different question types for quizzes : Question types will shape and manage how a quiz question is presented and how it behaves.
  • Splitset - A grid of simple yes/no questions.
  • Random Constrained - A question that defers the choice of the pick-in category at attempt launch - special question type for the special intensive training plugin.

Quiz access rules

There are various checks that can be imposed before a student is allowed to attempt a quiz : Quiz access rules determines conditions for a learner to launch a quiz attempt.
Les dépôts documentaires
Shared resource provides Moodle with a full featured central resource repository handling full indexing with LOM based metadata schemas, other plugins are dedicated to electronic document management (EDM external link services)

Admin tools

Admin tools help administrators and power users to perform site wide tasks and solve usual exploitation issues. They greatly impact operational productivity by making it easier.
  • Cron monitoring helper - A tool check for Moodle cron task .
  • Sync - CSV file based “all-in-one” synchronisation professional level tool.
  • Mnet Users - A tool to propagate MNET user's identities to a remote site.
  • File Check - A simple integrity check for stored files. Detects lost files..
  • Delivery - A technical tool to help making code upgrades without having direct access to the server.
  • Export Cohort From Course- A tool capable to transfer the enroled members of a course to a cohort definition.
  • Backup Manager - Explore and assess the storage spent for backups.
  • User LDAP Invite - A simple tool to pull LDAP accounts from a connected ldap.


Reports allow power users to get structured feedback upon moodle and activity. They come in a vious range of presentation .
  • TrainingSessions - Structured time spent reports.
  • LearningTimeCheck - Learningtimecheck related reports generator, professional level with batch and large audience optimisation.
  • Patches - A summary report finding and registering core patchs, helping long term maintenance.
  • VMoodle - Vmoodle multi-tenant central overal report, observing many aspects - users, loggedin users, activity usage, block usage, courses and so on…
  • Exam Training - intensive training plugin - Accessory providing a student and trainer report.
  • ETL - A generic ETL extractor ouptuting fully qualified XML data flows.


ActiveProLearn à développé une souche de thème intégrant des fonctionnalités spécifiques destinées à une intégration précise de certains comportements : Le thème Essential FEL est dérivé du thème très populaire Essential (entre Moodle 2.4 et Moodle 2.8). Although we produce our own theme variants, we will not provide any community support on our theme projects.

Local extensions

Local plugins are usually plugins that cannot be classified in any other categories. It holds plugins that would have likely be integrated as core components, but yet at the hand of integrators.
  • Course index - External course catalog.
  • GroupCopy - A group copy feature for easily copying course group and grouping structures between courses.
  • CMS - A site level integrated small but essential CMS.
  • CourseTemplates - A moodie subsystem that manages a course template strategy, related to the Enhanced My/Dashboard plugin.
  • ENT Installer - LDAP based industrial data synchronisation for all moodle entities (French Education oriented).
  • Ldap Additions - Institutional additions to LDAP synchronisation - related to french higher education. (STOPPED TRACK)
  • Moodle High Level Scripting Engine A full featured, simple to use scripting language to pilot moodle administration operations :!: new
  • My (Enhanced User Dashboard) - A complete reconstruction of the my page strategy, based on selectable portlet and course entry “per usage” arrangement.
  • Librairies Nuxeo - Librairies centrale NUXEO.
  • Shared resources library - Shared resource central library.
  • Local Shop - Moodle store core engine.
  • Tabbed QuickForm - Clearer and filtered forms for helping making moodle simpler for users.
  • TechnicalSignals - Component adding a technical exploitation upper signalling rubber.
  • VFLibs - A collection of usefull graphing libraries used in many of these plugins.
  • VMoodle >= 2.8 - Local rebuild of the core vmoodle virtualisation engine.
  • User Equipment - Individualise the functionnal tuning to simplify the moodle teacher experience.

Other tools

Other toolkits will deal with Moodle resource, code bases, or other assets in relation with Moodle exploitation. Although related to moodle, those tools do not explicitely use the moodle framework, and are not references as Mooodle technology itself. We used several coding technologies for them such as php, shell script, powershell, in several OS environmeents. We keep in mind that Linux is still our favortie concern.

The Lab

The lab is the location of our advanced studies, under developement project and thus probably incomplete. Those components are in a sufficent mature level of implementation to proceed to experiments, but are not tested enough for production.

Projects running

  • Course_Notifications - Course notification. (Obsolete, will be replaced by our future local global event manager and Moodlesscript engine)
  • CognitiveFactory - Cognitive exercices factory.
  • SharedEvaluation - A module that allows students to evaluate and grade some evaluable target “object”.
  • ThreeSixty - ThreeSixty 1.9 upgrade
  • INternal Legacy Lucene Search engine - The original, localy based, moodle search engine as it was designed in moodle 1.9 based on Zend Lucene, now upgraded to M2 to :M35:.
  • Generic Remote Content Integration block - A bloc capable to fetch and embed content from a lot of external source bindings, sur as plain HTML pages, or foreign Web Services.
  • Admin settings : :!: Prototype - A complete admin hack to separate integrator configuration capability from site admin (end customer side) operations.

Back to catalogue - Sub set index

plugins.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 15:50 (external edit)