
User dynamic parameters

Dashboard block

Filters only work on real values that already exist in the records. Opositely, user parameters can:

  • Offer parametrisation based on an arbitrary set of attribute values
  • Provide list selectors based on arbitrary value sets
  • Provide partial filters (type search by pattern)
  • Provide date or value range filters

Up to 5 user parameters can be defined that will add dynamic behaviour to the query. These parameters will add dynamic “WHERE” constraints using those variables, and will turn the dashboard into a dynamic query tool for the end user.

Defining a user parameter

SQL field

The (real, unaliased) table SQL field name on wich the constraint will be added.


The visible label this query control will appear with on the dashboard interface.


The constraint type:

  • single Choice: a small amount of options presented using radio buttons.
  • Text: A text field which value will always be processed in a “LIKE” statement. Search patterns are thus possible, such are “Smi%” to search for names starting with 'Smi'.
  • Value list: Shown as a select, and thus quite similar to a filter, but the value set is independant from query results and can be arbitrary.
  • Value range: shows two textfields in which a min and a max value can be input. The constraint relies on a “>=” and “⇐” operator in the query.
  • Date: a date selector.
  • Date range: will show two date selectors for the min date and the max date


For the types 'single choice' and 'list', provides the option values.

Inserting the parameter rules in the query

If user params are used, the placeholder <PARAMS> will have to be inseted in the query body. This placeholder must be part of a WHERE clause. (or eventually if consistant a ON portion of a partial JOIN statement).


  • Valéry Frémaux ( Main design and development
  • Florence Labord ( - Docmentation and tests

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blockdashboardconfiguserparams.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 15:50 (external edit)