
Course elements : Integration and extension

The course element module has been designed for extensibility:

  • Adopting the subplugin mechanism of moodle
  • Provide a theme located override capability for rendering adaptation

Important note: the extensibility model of the Customlabel element has been designed at very early stages of the Moodle development cycle. Thus it pay appear as not optimal. We DO have plans for restructurating entirely this plugin and take benefit of the new Mustache templating and new code overriding possibilities of Moodle. This is a real biiig work we do not know yet how to launch.

Extend the Customlabel plugin means adding some additional course element types as submodules to fulfill local needs.

However, adding new types may create s local singularity that makes cours less compatible with other Moodles including having installed a common Customlabel version. This risk will be mitigated if:

  • You provide the additional types to be installed aside your course archive
  • You submit your new types to us, so we might integrate them in the official plugin distribution. This implies your types have a generic value for the entire community.

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mod_retained/customlabel/integratorguide.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 15:40 (external edit)