
Course element subtype : Information about course


the “Course Information ” subtype holds general meta-information about the course. The subtype allows you to choose the topics that are in use:


Global pedagogic goals of the training material. Here can f.e mentioned that the course is provided to deliver a end of course certificate.


What knowledge, skill, behaviors will be acquire by learning in this course.


What are the key concepts presented and worked.

Pedagogic organisation:

How the course will be delivered and followed.


What prerequisistes do learners need to comfortably work in the course.

Following courses:

What course may learners apply to when they have achieved this course.

Element instance configuration

General settings (element specific)

  • Choose “Course Information” as label subtype. (If element previously had content, an alert will appear).
  • A new default name will be computed for the element if empty.
  • Input the topics content text as relevant.

Other settings

The other settings sections are Moodle standard settings for all activities and resources.

Rendering example : SPOC course information

mod_retained/customlabel/courseinfo.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 15:40 (external edit)