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Versioned resource


The versioned resource is a resource that will be delivered in successive long life-cycle versions. This is more or less the way moodle plugins are published in the plugin will store all successive versions of the resource and will provide the last version as trivial resource access.

The verionedresource may accept some subscriptions for notification (future roadmap) so subscribed people might be notified when a new version is available.


:M31: :M32: :M33: :M34:

Travis-ci Continuous integration

Note : Failing status is not necessarily the sign of a non functionning module. It just says that the moodle code standards check are not fullfilling. This is a continuous effort of us rewriting the plugin code to get it compliant.

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mod/versionnedresource.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 15:50 (external edit)