
Course Element Subtype : Contact point

The “Contact Point” course element helps to draw learners' attention to a preferred method of contact for the type of contact selected.

As part of a support service, you can for example specify by e-mail:

Rendu sur un cours

Visual rendering on a learner course

Instance configuration

Specific settings

  • Choose “Contact Point” as the element subtype. Note that if the element already had content, a warning will appear.
  • A default element name is computed for the element. This element name will never display on the student side.
  • You may enter an instructional text to be displayed inside the element body.
  • Choose the expected contact canal to be used: Any, any written, mail, phoen, online communication, online meeting, face to face.

Activity completion

  • It's a good idea to activate the activity completion of the element on a “seen” condition to track stuends that have reached that point, specially in case you are using paged formats or displaying sections one at a time.

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mod/customlabel/contactpoint.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 15:50 (external edit)