
VMoodle : Moodle Applicative Virtualisation

  • Component type: Local
  • Name: VMoodle
  • Functional set: Urbanisation technique
  • Versions: 2.8, 2.9 to :M41:
  • Candidate version: 3.4
  • Distribution : Public with training/support
  • Disponibilité : Stable


VMoodle is a complete functional infrastructure able to deploy a large set of moodle instances on a single moodle installation.

It is particularily suitable for large academic deployments where a lot of similar instances need to be provided to a set of schools sharing the same usage model.

The virtualisation makes the physical configuration dynamic with all tools to snapshot, deploy or destroy moodle virtual instances. VMoodle is a concept created in 2008 for the French Ministry of Education and has a long work tail for solving all issues related to virtualisation.

Virtualized instances are full independant moodle instances with an autonomous administration, while sharing the same plugin set and versions. A global administration layer and config preset allow to force some settings too be fexed for the entire network.

VMoodle manages the MNET subnetwork concept, in which some of the virtual instances may form a own subnetwork MNET independantly of other instances.

VMoodle provides also optionally an alternative MNET strategy to operate a set of instances as a “Super Moodle” with an unified “Global Network” configuration (So called auth MultiMNET)


Features summary

  • Dynamic switching of the “current” configuration of Moodle based on named hosts or subdirs postfixes
  • Independant distribution of DBs and datastores on several servers
  • Massive instantiation (cli scripts)
  • All admin/cli scripts transcripted to VMoodle capable environment (simple transformation model reusable for other plugins cli scripts)
  • Instances administration
    • Instance creation (GUI)
    • Instance snapshot
    • Instance disabling and deletion
  • MNET related features
    • Network initialisation
    • MNET subnetworks among instances
    • Meta-administration (see above)
  • Meta-admpinistration features
    • Mass changes in settings (single global setting, single plugin setting)
    • Mass copy of a full plugin configuration (from main to subs at the moment)
    • Mass maintenance mode
    • Mass purge caches
    • Mass course category creation / deletion
    • Mass course template deployement
    • Mass enabling or disabling plugins
    • Mass role definition comparison
    • Mass role definition synchronisation
    • Mass single capability synchronisation
    • Mass execution of an SQL commande (advanced mode)
    • Extraction of the physical config (unvirtualising a node)

Associated components

  • VMoodle accessory block: An accessory block to access the list of instances in the admin center.
  • VMoodle report: A full Moodle set wide report consolidating all exploitation and pedagogic stats over the array of moodles
  • User Mnet Hosts Block : A block proposing the list of accessible moodles in a MNET subnetwork based on profile field switches (controlled access by profile).

Note for early users : the VMoodle implementation has shifted from the block component to a local component from Moodle 2.8 version. The VMoodle block still remains alive, but as an accessory.


  • Valéry Frémaux - (base Intel Teach Advanced Online / Pairformance) - ActiveProLearn valery@activeprolearn.com
  • Florence Labord - Documentation (APL 2017) - florence@activeprolearn

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local/vmoodle.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/17 15:42 by florence