
Moodle High Level Scripting Engine


the Moodle High Level Script engine implements a script language and a script parsing/execution engine that allows writing high level commands in a simple syntax, script based language. Instructions can operate high level macros for moodle main objects administration.

the script engine is designed to be robust, flexible and easily extensible. The definition and the execution subengines are precisely architectured components handling several services to the code, such as testing, validating and logging facilities.

Direct script writing and execution can be performed through a direct script console provided as an administration tool. The final implementation (pro version) may also integrate web services for remote script injection, and furtherly planned a script writing assistant.

The second main application of this script is for use in other plugins that need allowing some variable processings to be executed on some events or part of their internal algorithm.

A sample use case of application in a plugin development

Moodle Script Definition

The MoodleScript language aims to be simple, concise, and allow most common needs using the fewest attributes and variables to operate. It is BASIC based so being easy to read and understand, using moodle administrator semantics.

Feature summary

local/moodlescript.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/31 16:46 (external edit)