The Use Stats block can be added in any page context in moodle, pursuant the addinstance capability is owned by the current user.
Just turn the curent page environement in edit mode, and use the 'Add block' menu. Choose the “Use Stats” entry to add an instance to the page.
Only one single instance can be aded.
All info in the technical documentation
Compilation period Possible values: 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, 365 Warning if value entered in free entry field not listed, this will take into account 5 days, ie the default value.
block_use_stats | filterdisplayunder Value in second of the time below which the time is taken into account but not displayed in the usestat block: If a session lasts less than one minute (60 seconds), it is considered as not significant, and it does not appear not in the block.
block_use_stats | displayactivitytimeonly The block displays either the time spent in activities or the time spent in the History Analyzer Settings class.
Credit time assigned by default to the work session in case of accidental termination of session. (Or without going through the menu “Disconnect”)
Example: Set to 60 min: If a learner has a period of inactivity in a session longer than 60 min, ie 1h, it is considered disconnected.
ping block_use_stats | lastpingcredit Additional credit time in minutes in case of no formal logout trace 15mn is the default
block_use_stats | displayothertime : Uncheck the box to hide on the interface of the block, the time spent outside the course (in the other spaces on the platform)
block_use_stats | displayactivitytimeonly We display in the block either the time spent in the activities, or the time spent in the course (as for example on his personal file space, in forums, etc.).
One session per course
block_use_stats | onesessionpercourse If the check mark is enabled, then the parser will start a new session each time the trace changes course. Otherwise, a session may represent a work session that overlaps with several courses. (this setting is activated on our demo moodle platform)
Go to the language files / block / settings.php configdisplayother time.
batch reports: remove the ability to the role to hide batch tab to the teacher role.
Course Admin / users / permissions / filter on report / trainingsessions: batch
But going through platform roles at the system level is better not to generate a local override of the rights on the relevant course.
block / use_stats: seeowndetails
set up to “undefined”