
Block Course Seat (Course Seats Assignation)

Moodle Integrated Online Store

This block is part of the Moodle Integrated Online Store subsystem and provide a simple way to assign available unassigned seats from within a course.

This block helps shortening the time to learn pursuant the training manager hold unassigned spare seats in his customer account. A simplified form will allow a quick recollectio of learner's data to create accounts and enrol them into the course.

If collected data correspond to already existing users, (based on email match) then the existing moodle account is used for the seat.

if collected information do not match any of the existing moodle accounts, tha a new moodle user is created and username and password is sent to the user by mail.

If the collected information point to an already enrolled user, then no seat is burn and a signal is displayed to the operator.

The operator becomes behalf of the created users (related to the User Delegation block strategy).



  • Display a count of available seats to assign
  • Optionnaly display a list of product assigned seats
  • Link to an assigment form
  • Quick form for collecting participant data
  • Registers and assigns seats to participants

Other external Components linked


2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2

Travis-ci Continuous Integration

Note : “Failing” state will NOT stand necessarilty for the plugin is NOT functionning. this status essentially gives the state of the Moodle Coding standard testing suite, and will denote how close to moodle code requirements the plugin is.


  • Valery Fremaux : Coding and architecture
  • Florence Labord : Testing, support and documentation

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blocks/shopcourseseats.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/08 09:40 by florence