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Sharedresource Module

WARNING : Shared resource has been fully redrawn since 3.1 for:

Module description

This module is resulting of more than 8 years of R&D and was initially built for the Intel's worldwide Teach Advanced Online (TAO) program, before being reused at French Education Ministry in the Pairforma@nce moodle based program.

It was initially developped to provide a resource sharing facility between moodle 1.9 courses, as the resource and files architecture was much less optimized than in Moodle 2.x and upper versions. Migrating to moodle 2.x opened a big debate on how worth was the pursuit of the development on this concept. In spite of some other ways of reusing resources and files in several courses in moodle, we finally decided to keep the concept alive for the following reasons:

For all these reasons, the Sharedresource module is the basic element of a complete resource library facility that will result of the cooperation of several other components:



Additional "Pro" features

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