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Mod Learning Time Check : User guide, specific settings

Enter activity to choose your settings :

Preview for the checklist

Ce menu permet de visualiser la liste des items “capturés” par le composant, et les temps pédagogiques affectés, le cas échéant :

View progress


This menu allows a complete display of the progress, and presents various information, displayed on the interface, and options accessible via the various buttons including:

:!: Notice mod LTC had his own block LTC you can add to course, to see student progress and student dropout.( (longtimenosee)) See block LTC

:!: Clic on “First name/Surname” users list to sort (asc et desc).

Outpout filtering

You have the ability to filter the display, and you can combine many filters, that is to say, deploy several according to the possible choices shown below.

Display options

Under the possible filtering, you find the options of active displays for your account, symbolized by icons, which you can modify by clicking on the button “Change options”.

General information displayed

Nota : report headers and footers are set via adminsitration plug-in settings.

Edit checks


Choose activities and/or resources you want to check as mandatory or optional, and you can also assign pedagogical times to activities and/or resources.

For example, you are a teacher and define that for a resource (pdf, for example), the average reading time is 1 hour, and this is the value you will assign to the item concerned.

Settings Options

If “is declarative” mode is activated, 3 possibles choices :

  1. Students : The student has to ticks the box next to his activity or his resource on the course.
  2. Teachers : The student has to ticks the box next to his activity or his resource on the course to mark the completion, and when teacher ticks as well, credit time is allocated.
  3. Both : The student OR the teacher has to ticks the box next to activity or resource.

Illustrated Exemples

Setting an activity as optional, an activity as mandatory with assigned time of 15 minutes, and a disabled activity

Exemple de temps déclaré par l'étudiant en suivant le lien vers le composant “Avancement et temps pédagogiques” ( Avec option mode déclaratif activé dans “modifier les marques”).

Imposer les temps forfaitaires

Notez que les rapports, quelque soit le temps déclaré par les utilisateurs feront apparaitre les crédits temps affectés, et n'afficheront donc pas les temps déclaratif étudiant si vous avez activé la case à cocher “imposer le temps forfaitaires” située sous les items capturés par le LTC.

Nous vous conseillons donc de bien restituer aux apprenants et enseignants vos choix de contrats pédagogiques sur votre interface de cours, afin que les usagers sachent ce qui est attendu de leur part sur ces sujets.


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