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Block Use_Stats / User time stats : Insall guide


This block installs using the standard plugin install process:

  1. Unzip the archive in the /blocks directory of your moodle implementation
  2. Browse to the Site Administration / Notification screen to finish install.


The Use Stats block has several tuning parameters that may impact significantly the final time calculation result. You may have to qualify the way your users will mainly use moodle to choose accurate values for tuning.

Actually, the component assumes some corrective actions when detecting a possible but non explicit session break, in order to help reflecting more accurately the reality. You have to choose both key values for:

Tuning both parameters depends on:

See the global settings section of the technical guide for detailed information about general tuning.

Other usefull hints

Remove access to detail sheet

Remove the capability block/use_stats:seeowndetails from the student role.

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