
Shipping zone class :Concept of shipping zone

Moodle Integrated Shop : Structural elements


:!: Nota : This is a preliminary documentation, the feature is still in R&D and can be subject to major changes.

It is quite conceivable you could eventually sell physical goods via the Moodle shop, even though it was not necessarily designed with this in mind. In this case, the notion of shipping costs must be taken into account. Shipping costs are implemented based on two abstractions:

  1. price zones, identify territories and define parameters to apply for shipping.
  2. calculation formulas, for each price zone and each product in the catalogue.

Shipping zones are used to record the specific parameters to apply for a price zone:

Associated catalogue

Une zone tarifaire de livraison est définie par rapport à un catalogue produit défini.

Bill maximum

This parameter defines the bill amount (in the specific currency of the associated shop instance) beyond which the purchase is prepaid.

When applicable

A formula that can use the variables $ht, $ttc, $q, and constants to manage the application or not of shipping charges.

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local_retained/shop/structure/classes/shippingzone.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 15:38 (external edit)