
Catalogue categories class : Concept of categories (Or product lines)

Moodle Integrated Shop : Structural elements


Categories make it possible to assemble products in order to present a single product line to the customer on one page. Some back-office management screens will also use categories to split the management scope. You can use categories to group similar products. Category is implemented as a simple concept in the Moodle shop.

Category Properties

  • Catalogue (FKEY) :The catalogue to which the category belongs.
  • Name: External Name of the category. Visible in both front office and back office.
  • Description : This text is diplayed as heading in front office when displaying the category content.
  • Parent ID : Aloows you to attach a category to another as parent. The front-office can display a hierarchical tab-tree for browsing sub-categories.
  • Order : Order of category display.
  • Visibility: A category may be visible or hidden.

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local_retained/shop/structure/classes/catalogcategory.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 15:38 (external edit)