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Technical guide

Dashboard block


WARNING : This module should be carefully managed as it allows anyone can configure the bloc to explore all the data in the Moodle database. this needs only some knowledge on the Moodle database which is not hard to get. If the configuration is given to a too wide audience, people might access to data it should not have access to.

Thus it is largely preferable the dashboard block instances be setup my a Moodle admin or a manager and provided to the statistics “end users” using standard enroll methods. Dynamic filters and parameters should allow administrators to give useful and sufficient behavior control to end users for their daily needs.

Scheduled tasks

In spite of the new programmable schedule of tasks in Moodle after version 2.7, the dashboard block keeps his own trigger scheduling programming. the block uses a single task to process all blocks that need export data. You should not use this task to schedule a single export output, as this will limit all other instances in the future.

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