{{ :logo-apl.png?nolink |}} ===== Installation Guide ===== ===== Module MPlayer ===== ==== Installation ==== This plugin installs the standard way: - Unzip archive into the 'mod' directory of Moodle - Browse to administration notifications to finish installation. ==== Global settings ==== The global settings mostly deal with default values for many advanced parameters. {{:mod:mplayer:settings_1_en.jpg?600|}} === General settings === == Player (technology) == Chooses the default technology used when creating a new instance. Both player may not provide exactly the same options, JW Player, f.e., natively is provided to play YouTube streams, but uses Flash tecnhology. flowplayer is provided in html5 technolgy, but may not support adaptative bitrate. == Show debug code == Special feature for the full javascript API player setup (flowplayer). Displays the complete JS script for debugging prupose. == Teachers can choose == If enabled, the teacher in the course may be allowed to switch the player technology for the instance. == Width == Player expected width. Some external constraints such as theme or other layout situation may force this with not to be maintained. the value should be compatible with a CSS width: attribute, in percent or pixels. == Height == Height, in pixels (no relative nor percent). == Skin (JWPlayer only) == the default skin of the JW player. == Show icons == Shows or hides video control commands and icons. {{:mod:mplayer:settings_2_en.jpg|}} == Control bar location == If player allows to, will change the location of the controls on the player interface. == Foreground color == If player allows to, changes the foreground color of the video GUI. == Background color == If player allows to, changes the background color of the video GUI, f.e. the backgorund when no vido nor poster is playing. == Light color == If player allows to, changes the light color of the video GUI, tis usually afects the player control texts. == Autoplay == If enabled, new player instances will autoplay media as a default. == Full screen == If enabled, the full screen switch is available for users as a default for new instances. {{:mod:mplayer:settings_3_en.jpg|}} == Scaling content (JWPlayer) == Modes of image adjustement to outbounds of the player. == Volume == Default volume for new player instances. == Native full screen controls (flowplayer) == Some devices have some special behavious with the full screen feature. Usually those device provide a simulation of standard full-screen behaviour, rather than device native. If you experience some difficulties with the full screen among your users, this may help to fix some inadequate behaviours. ==== Extra Configuration with a streaming server ==== The MPlayer module can cooperate with a defered video stream player. When feeding Moodle with videos, the media file is first upladed in moodle the standard way, then it is mooved to the remote storage and replaced locally by a manifest text file. For this configuration to work, you will need locally mounting a remote volume from the media server filesystem. Till now we worked in two opensource/community directions: * Wowza server * Apache pseudo-streaming using H264 additional module (https://www.apachehaus.net/modules/mod_h264_streaming/) {{:mod:mplayer:settings_streming_en.jpg|}} === HTTP Pseudo streaming parameters === == Server url == Main domain for the HTTP access to media .mp4 == Relative media path == Relative media path. this will be append to the server URL. == HTTP Storage dir == Give the local mount path for the remote storage volume. this needs to be an absolute path in your local system (mount point). === Wowza parameters === == Media flow server url == The rtmp url of the flow server. In case the server exploits HLS (over HTTP) or is using an H264 over apache distribution, this setting is not relevant. == Stream server application == Many streaming server propose several applications: VOD (video ondemand) is the standard application when reading a stored video, and live streaming when the stream comes from an active camera. == Remote media storage (wowza) == Give the local mount path for the remote storage volume. this needs to be an absolute path in your local system (mount point). ---- [[:Mod:MPlayer|Return to the component index]] - [[:plugins|Back to common plugin index]] - [[:start|Back to home]]