{{ :logo-apl.png?nolink |}} ===== Course elements ===== * **Component type:** Activity module * **Name:** Customlabels (course elements) * **Versions:** :M27: to :M41: * **Old versions:** 1.9, 2.2 à 2.6 * **Distribution:** Public and **PRO** * **Availability:** Stable. * **Distributor:** [[https://www.activeprolearn.com|Activeprolearn SAS]] [[:plugins:supportpolicy|Important : read our plugin support policy]] ==== Demos ==== * [[https://demo.formation-enligne.com/course/view.php?page=8&id=6|DEMO LIVE at ActiveProLearn demo site]] ====The major advantages==== * Editorial consistency of the courses, * Clarification of the educational message, * Significant time saving. ==== About customlabels ==== The customlabels (course elements) are structuring primitives dedicated to contents. In order to give a good unity of form, and to allow learners to clearly identify the educational demand, they allow a fast implementation of the contents, texts and messages. Some of them have added functionalities. The teacher only cares about the local formatting of his message, without worrying about the visual "integration" of his message. ====Exemple ==== [[mod:customlabel:contactpoint]]. {{ :mod:customlabel:element-cours-pt-contact.png?nolink |}} //Nota : student vue of the course element.// ==== 5 course elements types ==== We will distinguish according to the objective they serve and with different functionalities: * **Meta Elements :**Course elements intended for titles (course title, section titles, sequence titles, unit title) * **Educational elements :** Course elements related to the transmission of educational data: Instructions, Definitions, Elements to remember. * **Special Features :** Course elements intended to mark certain interactive moments of the course such as contact and communication elements, or an interactive question. * **Elements of structures :**Certain course elements with a more documentary vocation, such as elements used for indexing the course or for displaying teaching notices. ==== Guides ==== * [[:Mod:CustomLabel:InstallGuide|Installation Guide]] * [[:Mod:CustomLabel:UserGuide|User guide]] * [[:Mod:CustomLabel:Integratorguide|Integration Guide]] * [[:Mod:CustomLabel:Technique|Technical Guide]] ==== Credits ==== * Valéry Frémaux (valery.fremaux@gmail.com) - Architecture and development * Florence Labord (florence@activeprolearn.com) - Plugin documentation and standard artwork ------------------- [[:plugins|Back to plugins index]] - [[:start|Back to home]]