{{ :logo-apl.png?nolink |}} ===== Playlist XML File format ===== ===== MPlayer module ===== The playlist XML file concentrates all information necessary to drive a multiple clips video show. You may also read the reference document here: http://code.google.com/p/moodle-flv-player/wiki/UsingXMLPlaylists. The XML playlist document structure starts with a root element "trackList" which holds single "track" descriptors. A track describes a full clip with following information: * //location//: the url of the media * //thumb//: an url to a thumbnails image for playlist graphical representation * //title//: Clip's caption in the playlist * //caption//: Id. title. **Note :** XML Playlists are suitable for content publishers that have an industry level management of their content assets and are more likely to manage publications through textual metadata descriptors. [[:mod:mplayer:userguide:flowplayer|Back to flowplayer userguide summary]]