===== Install Guide ===== ===== Tabbed and filtered QuickForms ===== === Install the plugin ==== Two steps install: * First install the plugin as usual as a local plugin: * Unzip archive into the /local directory of your moodle * Browse to the Site Administration / Notifications to finish the install. * Then you need add the essential unique patch into the file lib/formslib.php. This will replace the standard form renderer. You'll find patch and core reference into respectively the __patch and __reference metadirs of the plugin. Reference file is given to facilitate automatic patch detection and integration into automated assembling procedures. Check the patch marked by "// PATCH+" and "// PATCH-" and report into the corresponding location. This change will affect ALL QuickForms in the whole Moodle. See next chapter to see how to exclude some local forms from the change. ==== Configure ==== Four settings need attention for configuring the TabbedQuickform plugin. Browse to: Site Administration > Plugins > Local plugins > Tabbed quickforms {{ :local:tabbedquickform:settings_en.jpg |}} === Enabling tabs renderer === By enabling the renderer, you will replace the standard collapsible sections with the new tabs renderer. This renderer also provides the global form filtering feature. === Enabling masking mandatory fields === This is NOT enabled by default, as this might have severe consequences on behaviour if admins mask fields inadequately, or recording inappropriate default values. === Default mode forms === As a default (apart any explicit choice in user's preferences), the initial presentation mode for forms can be: * **Filtered (simplified):** Any masked field will not appear in the form. * **Complete:** All usual moodle form fields are visible. Users may be allowed to choose the form mode by themselves in their own profile. [[:local:tabbedquickform|Return to the plugin index]]