{{ :logo-apl.png?nolink |}} ===== The ShopObject Class ===== ==== Moodle Integrated Shop : Structural elements==== The ShopObject is the base class for all other functional classes of the Moodle Shop. It will provide a basic API for any othe robject and an abstraction layer to the DB storage. Any object based on this class and telling which DB table it uses will provide a full internal mechanism to deshydrate and rehydrate data from database. ==== Methods ==== === Constructor __construct === @param mixed $recordorid @param string $recordtable === Getters and Setters === === save() === Save the current state of the object to DB. === delete() === Deletes the underlying record. ----- [[:local:shop:structure|Back to the Moodle Shop structure documentation summary]] - [[local:shop:userguide:salesadmin|Go to Configuration and implementation of a commercial offer]] - [[:local:shop|Back to Local Shop componant ]] - [[:start|Back to catalogue]]