{{ :logo-apl.png?nolink |}} =====Shop concept : the Shop Class ===== ===== Moodle Shop structure documentation ===== ====Introduction==== The Shop class is the object counter part of a "Shop front office instance". The shop is basically a framework within which customers interact with certain product lines under certain conditions of sale to buy Moodle assets. You will be able to create several shop instances in Moodle, that have distinct product lines as well as distinct behaviours and terms of sale. Each shop will be assigned a unique master catalogue. Several instances of a shop can use the same product line (Catalogue) but with distinct settings. The shop class is the object counter part of a “Shop front office instance”. ==== Shop properties ==== Common shop attributes are: === Catalogue ID === The ID of the master instance of a Catalog that will contain the product lines. A Shop can be assigned to one catalog, but may use several catalogue instances if the master catalog is linked to slave instances. === Default currency === The default currency applied to the whole Shop. Can be overriden at lower stage. === Front-office browsing order === Also most common shop engines provide a very common scenario to lead a customer from the entrance to the order confirmation, some steps can be reordered for convenience. The scenario must follow essential rules for the sales process to remain consistent. === Customer information options === There are three options to change what information is collected for physical persons. * Ask customers for an institution (professional customers) * Ask institutions for the participants when collecting participant data * Ask participants for mobile phone numberr === Front-office layout options : tab categories === A shop can choose to stack products categories one on top of the other on a single page, or tab the categories. === Default customer support course === A course can be designated to serve as customer support space. === Force download of attached documents === Shop settings can force users to download and locally store the attached documents, such as leaflets, etc. If this option is not enabled, then the document can be displayed directly in the browser if the document type is supported. === Enable taxes calculation === In some cases and countries, training and providing course can be completely tax-free. ---------- [[:local:shop:structure|Back to the Moodle Shop structure documentation summary]] - [[local:shop:userguide:salesadmin|Go to Configuration and implementation of a commercial offer]] - [[:local:shop|Back to Local Shop componant ]] - [[:start|Back to catalogue]]