{{ :logo-apl.png?nolink |}} ===== The Bill class : Concept of order and bill statuses===== ===== Moodle Integrated Shop : Structural elements ===== ====Introduction==== **The bill is an object that groups all the constituent parts of : ** * A purchase order, as long as payment has not taken place. * A pro forma bill, as long as no cross-reference coding has taken place. * A bill, once cross-reference coding has taken place. {{ :local:shop:structure:classes:billing-backoffice-en.png?nolink&850 |}} ==== Orders and bills in life cycle==== Orders and bills have a life cycle that is determined by a status and a transition engine. **Possible statuses include:** ===IN PROGRESS:=== When a back-office operator manually creates an order, it takes the In progress status. ===PLACED:=== Orders transmitted by online customers are placed for payment but not confirmed. ===PENDIND :=== Orders have been confirmed by the customer but payment used is offline or is delayed for an asynchronous response. Offline payments must be handled manually by a back-office operator. ===PAID :=== Bill has been paid in full because an online immediate method of payment was used or because it was marked as such by a back-office operator after physical payment was received. ===COMPLETED :=== Order has been paid and completed (by any method, whether automatically by enabling handlers or manually shipped and sent to customer in case of physical goods. ===CANCELLED :=== Back-office operators can cancel orders that have not yet been officially entered into accounting. ===FAILED :== These bills mark a failed online payment process. There are many different reasons for a negative response from the payment interface, such as a customer typing in the wrong bank code, a bank server momentarily too busy to respond, the bank declines payment, etc. ===PAYBACK :=== Orders abusively billed or orders for which a customer can return their purchase, might be marked as payback orders to the benefit of the customer. ===ALL:=== List of all bills, regardless of their status. ---------- [[:local:shop:structure|Back to the Moodle Shop structure documentation summary]] - [[local:shop:userguide:salesadmin|Go to Configuration and implementation of a commercial offer]] - [[:local:shop|Back to Local Shop componant ]] - [[:start|Back to catalogue]]